Saturday, June 27, 2009

Google Voice

Hooray! .. I finally got an invitation to use Google Voice. Google Voice gives me my own phone number .. and that number is multi-faceted. That number can forward to my cell-phone, work-phone or home phone. And .. if I don't answer .. it will go to Voicemail. That voice mail can be access from my email.

There are other neat features with Google Voice. I can call anywhere in the US for free. From my Google Voice webpage, I can enter a phone number to call. GV will then call that number .. and call my home phone. So I can call anywhere in the US .. and it will connect it to my designated phone!!!

Here's something to think about. Setup your GV phone number to an area-code where your family is. Some of my family live out of state. So I setup my GV number to that state's area-code. Now my family can call a local number .. and it will ring my phone. It will be a local phone call for them.

It took me a few months before I got my 'invite'. But they may be giving them out now with less of a waiting time. Go ahead .. try Google Voice.

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